Why The Hiatus You Ask?

Hello Everyone. It seems like forever ago I last wrote on this blog. (It’s really just been 7 months, according to the last published issue.)
For anybody who’s asking ‘Why The Hiatus?’, several things happened at once; and separately too, that made me take my break from writing, photography, and Punk/ other shows.
First; my Dad had to go away for a new job in November 2012. Now, I’ve always had anxiety/ panic attacks; but they got really bad around the time he left.
Second, my migraines; little devils they are, have gotten worse in recent months. I’m awaiting an appointment with my neurologist to see what’s going on.
Finally, my poor Grandma broke her leg. So I, along with my Mom and brother, have been helping her in this past little while.
And that’s basically it. I wish I could say I was in some exotic, far-off land; writing That Great Novel. (And I want to someday.) But for now; I just want to get me, my camera, and a notepad to a Punk show.
So get ready to see me back. Maybe not as much, but still there.

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